The gold standard in Apple device management.
More than 35,000 organisations rely on Jamf
Top 10
Technology Companies
Technology Companies
Top 25
Fortune 500 Companies
Fortune 500 Companies
Schools around the globe
Schools around the globe
Top 25
Most valuable brands
Most valuable brands
Top 10
Global Marketing Groups
Global Marketing Groups
“Customise profiles, policies and self service options to suit your business and workflow.”
Deployment Provision a Mac, iPad, iPhone or Apple TV. Choose a zero-touch or take a more hands-on approach and deploy them with ease. |
Device Management Ongoing management is the bread and butter of IT. Go beyond configuration profiles and use policies and scripts to customise for optimal user experience. |
App Management Put apps in the hands of users. Purchase apps in bulk and make them available automatically or through Self Service. Even pre-configure settings for apps. |
Inventory Automatically collect hardware, software and security configuration details. Create custom reports, alerts, and manage software licenses and warranty records. Use inventory to automate ongoing management. |
Security Secure your Apple devices by leveraging native security features. Manage device settings and configurations, restrict malicious software, and patch all of your Apple devices without user interaction. |
Self Service Empower users with your own app store. Give them the ability to install apps, update software and maintain their own device without a help desk ticket. |
9 |
Top 10 Technology Companies |
20 |
Top 25 Fortune 500 Companies |
14K |
Plus Schools around the globe |
22 |
Top 25 Most valuable brands |
10 |
Top 10 Global Marketing Groups |
“Customise profiles, policies and self service options to suit your business and workflow.” |
Deployment Provision a Mac, iPad, iPhone or Apple TV. Choose a zero-touch or take a more hands-on approach and deploy them with ease. |
Device Management Ongoing management is the bread and butter of IT. Go beyond configuration profiles and use policies and scripts to customise for optimal user experience. |
App Management Put apps in the hands of users. Purchase apps in bulk and make them available automatically or through Self Service. Even pre-configure settings for apps. |
Inventory Automatically collect hardware, software and security configuration details. Create custom reports, alerts, and manage software licenses and warranty records. Use inventory to automate ongoing management. |
Security Secure your Apple devices by leveraging native security features. Manage device settings and configurations, restrict malicious software, and patch all of your Apple devices without user interaction. |
Self Service Empower users with your own app store. Give them the ability to install apps, update software and maintain their own device without a help desk ticket. |